To me the two most important achievements that the Chinese contributed to the rest of the world are paper money and gunpowder. Paper money even though if you look at one of the dollar bills in your pocket seem new they really aren't. The Chinese discovered this when people got tired of lugging coins around on huge journeys was a hassle. The Chinese had already figured out how to make paper, and paper was a lot easier to carry then a whole bunch of gold in a pouch. They just made money from the paper and was able make it easier to carry. On the Silk Road they have to go light so that they don't have to bring another animal to carry it.
                 Gunpowder was used for fireworks another Chinese invention. They used it to create entertainment for the emperor and other people. Later, it was used to help guns fire, but that never happened when the Chinese used it. Fire works helped by gunpowder are still here today, but can take different forms.

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