To me the two most important achievements that the Chinese contributed to the rest of the world are paper money and gunpowder. Paper money even though if you look at one of the dollar bills in your pocket seem new they really aren't. The Chinese discovered this when people got tired of lugging coins around on huge journeys was a hassle. The Chinese had already figured out how to make paper, and paper was a lot easier to carry then a whole bunch of gold in a pouch. They just made money from the paper and was able make it easier to carry. On the Silk Road they have to go light so that they don't have to bring another animal to carry it.
                 Gunpowder was used for fireworks another Chinese invention. They used it to create entertainment for the emperor and other people. Later, it was used to help guns fire, but that never happened when the Chinese used it. Fire works helped by gunpowder are still here today, but can take different forms.
          Three things I am thankful for are life, friends, and family. The reason I am thankful for life is because I wouldn't be sitting here writing this bhlog. I wouldn't even e able to be thankful for anything. In fact, I wouldn'td be alive, maybe just a figmental character in somebody's mind. Or a book character or just nothing. Absolutely nothing. I need friends because they are there for me when I need them. Sometimes, I am there for them, too. An example of when I have relied om my friends is when I need to ask the teacher something and I am to shy doing it myself. That happens a lot. Another example was when I was in fourth grade I had went to the art lab when my teacher was going out to coach cross-country. I was supposed to be going to another room after I got back, but I got scared. I kept going back and forth between my room and the room I was supposed to go to. In the end I was crying underneath my desk in my classroom when one of my friends came in and walked me over there.
            One of the most important things that I am thankful for is my family. My family loves me a whole lot and I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them with me. They have stayed by my side through thick and thin and are really helping me through all my problems. Even when I can't do things myself when I should have been  doing it myself.
          Griots are storytellers in the western african empire of Songhai. They were used as people who would teach history. What they did was oral history. Oral history is not a written document, although many things that were said probably did get written down. All they did was teach proverbs or tell stories and legends, or helped teach about Africa's history. Proverbs are little sayings that have morals to them. An example of one is: the axes forgets, not the tree. What it was trying to get through or the moral, was that if you tell a secret or something that someone had told you to take care of and not show it off and you do, you will forget,but she/he/it will never forget.
             There were no other way to get information of records than to pass them down from generation to generation as griots. Slaves and other people would come and listen to the stories they had to tell. These stories were about the geography of Africa. Many people relied on them to tell them about the past.
           My favorite part of fall is the leaves. there are so many colors of them that it looks amazing. At my house I have these two trees and allof their leaves fall off every winter and fall. We end up having a lot of leaves on the ground after the trees are done with the molting. Sometimes if we have enough leaves before Hallo0ween we will find little pumpkin garbage bags and decorate the yard with them.We have this hill like structure in our front yard where leaves fall and it gets hard to walk through, but we do it anyways. All of the great greens and reds and oranges and yellows and browns decorate our lawn until spring. Sometimes, I willsmile and gdo outside to admire them all in the fresh crisp cool air before coming in again.
     The fall weather also means we can start making cookies in our home, too. We love to make cookies and the house always smells wonderful.