As I told you in my Friday Freewrite Blog last Friday we had to do dissections last week. So how does the body of a frog compare to a human's body? Well, frogs have the same intestines, just a little bit different. So operating on a frog is almost like operating on a human, if that makes any sense. So in case they were looking f0r the stomach a frog has it in the same spot. Maybe a little different. Either way a frog's body is similar. If a surgeon had no animal practice, and the first thing he cut open was you, how well do you think he knows what to do. Obviously someone who hasan't ad any traing on an animal beforehand, wouldn't even start to operate, but the surgeon most likely doesn't know what to do. For example, you need surgory to remove a tumor. What if the surgeon didn't know what a tumor looked like and by mistake, took out your liver instead. You most lkely wouldn't be able to survive. Surgeons should have a bunch of instruction and help on operating, first on animals, like we did in science. This can be accomplished by someone who has done this many times and knows what to remove, or not remove, to safely accomplish the task of the animal dissection.

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