Last semester I learned a lot about science that was new to me. That should basically tell you that I didn't learn everything right off the bat. One thing thing that was hard for me was learning what the parts of the cell and what they do. There were so many parts that had all different locations that it became really confusing. Fortunatly my teacher had us all create digital flashcards to study with. The name of the place that I got the flashcards from was called Quizlet. By studying the flashcards I was able to learn the parts of the cell. I was able to input some of my own definitions with the words so I might be able to memorize them better instead of not  memorizing a long scientific definition. With that I was able to get  parts easier. Another thing that helped me learn my parts was the edible cell project we did. My group and I had to build an edible cake or other thing that would serve as a replacement. We had to figure out the locations of the parts to put them on the cell. Another thing that came with the cell project was we had to memorize the facts abouty the parts of the cell and answer one question when my teacher went to our table.
        That wasn't the only thing I struggled with last semester.

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