Some things that are similar about animal, plant, and algea cell is that they all have nucleus's. Other types of cells may be able to function without a nuclues. Some ways they are different is that plants hve a large central vacuole and animal cells don't. Animal cells still have a vacuole it is just smaller than a plant cell's vacuole. plant and algae are more similar than an animal cell. Algea cells have a central vacuole, like plants, instead of what animals have. Also, plants and algea have chloroplast, chloroplasm, and a cell wall. When plants eat, they use a special process to help use the sun's energy. This process is called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis which takes place in the chloroplasts of the plant cell take in the sun's energy to create nutrients for itself. Chloroplasm is a green substance inside.
            A cell wall is a hard wall on the outside of the cell membrane. Unlike, a cell membrane the wall is not flexible and really doesn't let in substances. An animal cell only has a cell membrane.

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