I am in a club called the purple ribbon club. The purple ribbon is for animal cruelty. What we do is help out at animal shelters and attend a meeting every Wednesday. Helping out at the animal shelters is a lot of fun. You get to visit and play with them whether you like cats or dogs(I am a cat lover). They need homes and if you can't afford one helping out is aneasy way you can still care for pets. I mainly stay in cat rooms because cats just like me better and I like cats better. Smetimes though I will go and play with the dogs too.
          For some reason I am really good with cats. Maybe I just smell like cats from home, or I am just naturally good with cats. At the shelter we got to spend time with the cats first and I would just let them leave while I stayed there. I always feel at home with a cat on my lap. The cats normally really like the attention and are happy to have someone like me there.

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