In science we are learning about how to make wet mount slides, that you can take and get rid of and is not permanent. We have studied many things under a microscope. Earlier we took onions and peeled off the skin, just so we couls see the little cells. We drew a picture of it. Then we stained the skin with a blue dye. This made it easier to see the nucleus inside each cell. Yesterday we took our own skin cells from the inside of our cheek. What we did was take  a toothpick and scrape in our mouth some of our  skin cells. Then, we swirled it in a couple drops of water. We veiwed the slides under the microscope. We veiwed them under low,medium, and high powers.
                      After we finished the slide and veiwed them we drew pictures of what we saw in the microscope. Then we dyed the cells and saw a more clear view of the cells. We drew another picture of them and then finished a set of questions on a paper on

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