On My Digital Life, I have learned about plagarism and identity theft. Plagarism
is a way to steal other peoples ideas or works of art and calling them your own.
I f you find something that has some really good information for an essay in
school, but you don't want to plagarise site the source. When you site the
source that you took some information from you are giving the author some credit
for his work. Identity theft is where a person or people try to take over your
account for something. It could be a twitter page or an E-mail, but people could
still steal your identity!
Some tips to try to prevent that from
happening are these, Always change change your passwords frequently. If you need
help to memorise the passwords each time you change them, why not write them in
a journal. How do you know if your password is safe? Just make sure you have
scrambled letters (uppercase and lowercase), symbols, and numbers.

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