Tomorrow I have another baton competition. This one is in Sacramento, and we will be driving there tonight. I am really nervous, because I have to do my two baton routine. It is where you have two batons and you have to twirl with them doing tricks. There is one tiny problem. Both batons must be moving at the same time, same pace, and can never stop. So this creates a whole other anxiety problem for me, because I did not want to do it. My mom forced me to twirl with the two batons for this competition. It was that, or go and do compulsories. I have a strong dislike for them, because all you do is stand in front of a judge and do tricks for them. This is boring that I don't like to do them. So  went with the two baton and now I am stuck on doing this. My routine is good though. There is one thing that got added to the routine that I don't like. Me. I mean I can do the work, I just do it sloppy. And that will dock off so many points off my score. See whenever you drop you have points docked off. If you have a completely flawless routine and the judge thinks so too, the highest amount of points you could get are 10.00. So far my highest is a 4.05. I am getting closer. The score for my two baton I don't have yet, because this my first time doing it ever. So I am really excited and nervous. One thing does give me an advantage though. I have been put in with other twelve year olds. So I am in the right category. Sometimes they don't put you in the right one and they have to make it bigger, because less people want to do it.
    I talked about my team earlier in weeks past, and now for the first time we are getting practice logs. My coach didn't think that we were practicing enough, so she is going to give us logs with the hours we need to practice. Then we practice and turn them in to her. We haven't gotten the logs yet but next Thursday we will get them. I hope that I practice enough hours. She already knew that two of us practice outside of class. We have been going to competition so you would think that you would practice. Some of my teammates though don't go to competitions and don't practice at home. We go and do our first competition in a couple months so we need to practice the most now. I can't wait until we go to competition for team, because I know we are really good. I just hope that we are so good that we win state and western regionals like we did last year. Those competitions are longer away then my first meeting for team, which is the Fresno competition on April 9, I think. Of course twirlers don't get any recognition at all. Although some colleges will give scholarships for twirling so that is a definite plus.

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