Christmas is almost here and I am excited to get out of school with almost no homework for three whole weeks! There are so many things that I am excited about. My family is going to take trips exchange gifts on three different days, and just spend time with each other. I already know that my family is going to Monteray, since my mom told me that yesterday. This is going to be a lot more fun now, since I said I'm going to have little homework. That means more time to do stuff out there. My parents are also planning a trip to Los Angeles I think. Possibly a snow trip too. This Sunday I am going to be going to my grandma's house and then exchange gifts. We will have a Russian dinner and then talk until about two million hours later, we finally go home. That will be Christmas Eve Eve. The next day Christmas Eve we will have a nice dinner at home and then open presents. On Cristmas day we will go to church and go to my other grandparents house for a celebration day there. Another reason why I am so excited for Christmas is that my fast will break. That fast is called lent. Lent is where you fast from meat forty days before Christmas, and again before Easter. It is going to break next Tuesday, unless the world ends today like the Myan calender says.

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