The title is true.  My brothers birthday was acouple of weeks ago and we are
going to go on a camping trip. My brother and I don't know where we are going,
what we are going what we are going to eat, and how long we will be there. I
think it might be this weekend but I don't know. Either way I am really excited
for the trip. It sounds like if we will fish and and eat next to the fire.




Trees are important in our lives. We should do our best to preserve them. There
are some important things that come from trees. The number one thing trees do is
provide human beings and animals with oxygen. Yes, trees take in the carbon
dioxide that we breathe out. They need that to survive, and since they don't
need the oxygen to live the trees release it. Then we can use the fresh oxygen
for ourselves. Another reason we should preserve trees is because animals live
there. Forests are home to millions of animals that use the trees as homes. Some
will become extinct if the trees are chopped down. Trees are important for us
and animals, so let's make an effort to stop trees from being harmed.




       There are many different types of cats. either wild or domestic they have MANY different varieties. A cat is a mammal that has four legs. To walk, cats move there  front right leg and left back leg as the first step. It changes the legs every time that the animal walks. Cats, like dogs, need exercise, but unlike dogs, they  don't want to be put on a leash ran around. Instead cats would prefer to play with a stuffed toy mouse.
          I have never been bullied or have seen anyone being bullied so I could not help anyone in any way. Yet there are many incedents that they show on the news and on the web, that involve bullying. I think the reson I have  seen any bullying is becase of my parents. Online I don't have very many places that I own. I also go to schools where students understand that we should not bully. On the news there are many schools that have many problems
  Computers have made massive changes in our lives. From chalkboards to I-pads we have advanced in technology. But, what about the future? Many people will continue to advance until we can go no further. In particular I think that robots will increase in population and become smarter until we have made such advanced robots, they will be able to do almost everything. We have made many large advances in science and technology thruogh time